Desire - With desire we see action
If you did it, you're already feeling better, a bit enchanted, right?
The only rule to this book is that you MUST close your mouth & open your
ears, because this is coming from the mouth of the horses themselves; THOUSANDS of them ... interviewed one at a time.
Suspend your disbelief
for a few minutes per day, and you'll get measurable results... within a week or so. With just a few minutes that belong exclusively to the realm of you and I together, you're promised and absolutely guaranteed to get better results. Even if you're still having a hard time believing that everything in your life is going to be radically better in a matter of days and weeks, one thing is unarguable and certain: you will boost your results
faster than you are doing now.
How can I be so certain? Well, there's a ninety-nine percent probability that you agree with the value of mental visualization and can even explain to a child why it's good for long-term development as an achiever, and a 93% probability that you didn't truly suspend your own disbelief and really get into that short, happy mental movie, right? How is it that you'll encourage a child
to engage in a technique that you KNOW will work for the child, yet you're 'too old' or 'too smart' or too anything to use it yourself?
Each exercise and PowerGem has been used countless millions of times by so many people that even you have probably
admired. They
If 'your way' was better, you'd
be living that happy life now, wouldn't you? If you're not reading this as a publisher, you're reading it because you're still flexible enough to admit I'm asking you to simply suspend your preconceived notions of what works and what doesn't work. We're talking
about sixty seconds. SIXTY seconds, for Pete's sake!! The pressures of the world can't wait sixty seconds for you to get into a better frame of mind? Please, give us a break. Hush up and get into the swing here.
It absolutely starts with an image in your mind, just like the one
Edison had in his mind when the NY Times headlines laughed at his idea of an electric light bulb... and just like the idea Jimmy Carter had of building houses for homeless people through a program called Habitat for Humanity; just like the movies that Walt Disney played in his mind over and over as an astonishing eighty-four different banks rejected his concept of Mickey Mouse. Eighty-four rejections!! All three of these people, and countless others as well, have succeeded far beyond what you have, NOT because they're smarter, or taller, better-looking or more talented, not by a long shot!! No, it's their willingness to create that internal visualization, and then follow through with better questions and written plans.
Begin with the mental movie now and stay there for no less than sixty seconds. Desire is the fuel of every goal and achievement ever attained by a man or woman. It's been that way for many centuries; it's not likely to change now.
USE YOUR DESIRE intentionally... the more you focus on your desire, and specifically why you want it -- what you will specifically get from attaining that desire -- the more your brain produces methods to get there. It is vital for you to understand that this is not merely rah-rah motivation mumbo -- it's brain science:
USE THIS TO YOUR PERSONAL ADVANTAGE!! Since it can only move towards its most dominant thought of this instant, doesn't it make sense for YOUR brain, YOUR focus, YOUR efforts to be under the exclusive control of YOU? Forget about all that external garbage. Stop allowing spouses/parents/friends/relatives/co-workers/the economy/the weather/the.... to guide you in your daily activities! Take control!! This is your life, friend, and if you don't work at making YOUR dreams come true, then we, the world, can see that you'll spend your remaining good years working at the goals of someone who HAS taken control of their destination, sometimes referred to as "destiny." Go ahead: punch that man's clock! Gather that man's cotton! Sell that man's overpriced clothing! And you'd better take his guff, too, because HE's putting food on the table with pursuit of a dream, a goal.
Or, take control. It's YOUR turn!! That doesn't mean quitting your job this instant; it means MAKING two, three, even four hours per week to pursue YOUR passion, YOUR interests, YOUR family, friends, and other life quality things. Get that movie going!! See the lights, smell the smells, literally instruct your internal viewer to zoom in closer, so you can feel, hear, smell, see, and touch the details of you personally achieving that one desire that you and I both know is still there inside of you.
It cost you no money, just a minute and a half of your time, and it is guaranteed to improve the quality of this day today, provided you do nothing more than create a happy movie in your mind, right now, for just sixty seconds or so. Then you'll be better prepared to return to the magic of PowerGems... from our masters, millionaires, and billionaires. Enjoy the movie!
Plant YOUR seeds of power! Water and nurture them with daily movies. CAN DO!
Next Leap To Success
Plant YOUR seeds of power! Water and nurture them with daily movies. CAN DO! |
© MrShortcut All rights reserved for those who feed starving people with my share of your profit.
In Memory of the truly amazing Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, and his grateful student, Mr Shortcut,
who created several hundred thousand unique web pages in Mnsr. Kellogg's memory, free for your life.
Here are a few more of the thousand-plus websites designed, created, built, edited, uploaded, and promoted by a single pair of hands, in order for YOU to succeed faster with the greatest shortcuts of role models and champions.
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the Shapelinks Way Of Life of Masters and Millionaires, Champions and Billionaires
the largest and healthiest website in the world, free for your life.