Shortcuts to Success with The Shapelinks Way Of Life
compliments of Masters and Millionaires - meant for your life

    Welcome to the biggest web site on the planet for shortcuts to success  
    1,089 free self-empowerment websites from a single pair of hands.     Two thousand reams of paper.    

Every known human endeavor has shortcuts:   PowerGems.
They work approx 100% of the time, and you're invited to begin a most exciting journey.
These are the shortcuts to success from 5200 Masters and Millionaires - interviewed one at a time.

PowerGems   Imagine a single pair of hands creating 900+ websites of up to 12,000 pages each.    All connected.   All free.     Just for you.
Open your mind and get results in minutes.      Minutes

Welcome to the biggest personal web site ever created, the largest self-empowerment site in the world.
These are the shortcuts of achievers and champions along with millionaires and billionaires.
You might refer to it as the Shapelinks Way Of Life.
3,100,000 minutes of high-level focus        
All for you to succeed - to become your own master, millionaire, champion, billionaire.
Thus is The Shapelinks Way Of Life.

And The Millionaire Dilettante Yankees - Opinions of The Shapelinks Way Of Life

And the millionaire, dilettante Yankees,
crashing and burning to the threat of us all,
of four hundred and thirty five districts,
yes, it's the Bronx up against the wall.

Poorest in the nation, what a hallmark of shame,
in pursuit of enriching a billionaire's game.
You tell me I'm stupid for giving away,
what you claim to need for a rainy day.
Yet look at where you go at night,
when sleep takes you into that flightless sight,
where you get to see on the day that you die,
forgetting the poor will make you fry.

Look at where you glide by the night,
flying into that frightful sight.

The dreams you hold are not the same,
as they were in the days when you knew to take blame.

As long as the problem is someone else,
so common throughout this entire realm,
you need make no change, beyond the rooms you arrange,
in advance of the trip we're all bound to take.

Hear the same voice that we all get to hear,
it's closer than you think, it's internal, my dear.
The hopes and the dreams that you once held so close,
are far-better arranged when you know where to go.

Look at what happens when you fly all alone,
with no one but a moron to help you along.
Right into the worst of walls,
lost and dazed in life's empty halls.
Know before you go, just where you wish to be,
stick with masters and champions, and their winning history.

Masters and Millionaires, Champions and Billionaires

Who, exactly, knows better than masters and millionaires and champions and billionaires?
How complicated does a simple power need to be for you to recognize you do not have to pay for it?
For every human activity there are masters and champions, millionaires and billionaires.
Identify one hundred of the top __________ in whatever field and initiate contacts.
Email, telephone, telegram, postal correspondence, maybe even a greeting card...
there must be some way you can contact each of these 100 top _________.
Acknowledge in a respectful way that they are among the very best,
that you wish to contribute as they do, when you grow up.
I was still doing it long past my thirtieth birthday,
there's no reason for any of us to stop at any age.
Masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
We can get caught at the mouth of the horse,
or at the wrong end of the horse, right?
Get caught at the right end of things .
Find some masters and millionaires.
Seek champions and billionaires.
Write and ask for their help.
You will be astonished!

Wealth index For the Shapelinks Way Of Life

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Tenth Shapelinks Way Of Life Index
PowerGems and Shortcuts Of Leaders - Mr_Shortcut

Shapelinks Way Of Life- Tenth way in.
Empower yourself using secrets and shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.
The Shapelinks Way Of Life reminds you that stretching the mind is vital.
Whether it's a puzzle or reciting Pi or listing people who can grant your wishes,
you will find a tremendous boost in everything when you stretch your mind more.
"Each day, in every way, I am getting better, better, and better."

Tenth Reminder Of The Shapelinks Way Of Life

Empowering yourself gets easier with the Shapelinks Way Of Life.
That's because the Shapelinks Way Of Life is about self-empowerment.
No one can succeed faster FOR you.... "If it is to be, it is up to me," right?
Empower yourself by remaining focused on what it is you most want to achieve.
The more we focus on a subject, the more our brain works to move in that direction.
This is a deliciously powerful secret and shortcuts of empowering your faster success.
Just like a flashlight, your mind will go wherever it is repeatedly and narrowly focused.
The Shapelinks Way Of Life reminds you that, while we do not always get what we want,
we are virtually assured of consistently receiving most of what we frankly expect.
That can be a challenge, because, too often, we are not sure of what we want.
Oh, we're good at claiming what we want, generally of a masterial nature.
Forget about materialism for a bit, because excellence is worth more.
When you self-empower yourself by using greater success shortcuts,
you will start to recognize that excellence comes before the profit.
Profit is a product of excellence, so learn how to be excellent.

Excellence proves to be the greatest source of your profits.
Please do not allow today pass without using shortcuts.
Look for greater shortcuts, and you will find them.
Focus on finding your shortcuts; you'll find more.
Stop spending on nationally-advertised items.
This will triple your savings immediately!
Stop paying for ads and executives.
This is YOUR money; it's Your life.