If your mouse is mid-screen, move your mouse so you can control speed. 911day 911day Open Letter To Our US Senators and Representatives We will prove that the pen is mightier than the sword, the ballot mightier than the buck. Rather than formally charge you with dereliction of duty, legally sustainable, we demand that you drop politics as it is, and engage in politics as our forefathers intended. We are dead by the thousands because of you. We Americans believe you care only for power, attention, cash, bimbos, photo ops. That is worth repeating We Americans believe you care only for power, attention, cash, bimbos, photo ops. That is worth repeating We are sick of the million-dollar cell phone bills every month from your meaningless, costly chatter. The Constitution creates a federal government for one and only one reason: to protect the citizenry. No other reason or intent for its existence. NO other reason for your job, you greedy self-aggrandizer. You have miserably failed. Three thousand evaporated fathers, children, sisters and mothers. Atone through effective use of resources on our behalf rather than on your own Elected officials, pay careful attention. Our brothers, our daughters... are dead. Serve as you once thought to or we GUARANTEE to boot you at the ballot Citizens: GET INVOLVED ! BOOT THEM AT THE BALLOT!! We will not rest until every one of these bozos are replaced by honest servants. We will not rest BOOT THEM AT THE BALLOT!! BOOT THEM AT THE BALLOT!! BOOT THEM AT THE BALLOT!! BOOT THEM AT THE BALLOT!! BOOT THEM AT THE BALLOT!! BOOT THEM AT THE BALLOT!! BOOT THEM AT The Shapelinks Way Of Life BALLOT! Make YOUR Voice heard T O D A Y 911day |
Open letter to US Congress - 911day
Remember 911day. That is the primary purpose for this open letter to all US Congressmen and Congresswomen, all Senators in the US Senate, all elected Representatives to Congress, and all elected officials. Remember 911day so that we can prevent it from happening again and again. Elect better candidates.