Live and learn here at the healthiest website we shall see today, with Mr-Shortcut

"Shapelinks" are a taste of the many hundreds of EyeCandy websites
designed, created, uploaded and promoted by Mr-Shortcut, just for you.
Mr-Shortcut believes in your ability to succeed and invested more than 51,000 hours bringing you here.
Now, it's your turn.     Your turn to excel, using the magnificently powerful shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.
each and each of more than a million interactive pages by Mr-Shortcut, Godfather of Shortcuts
All focused on you personally, no need to buy a thing,   all here for your life.
As you enter this very exciting ride of your life, learn to push your F11 keyboard button...     ... often.

(Pssst.     There are thousands of hidden treats when you learn to move your mouse into hidden corners and obvious ones too.)
Old-world, much of the Shapelinks Way Of Life only shows in IE  

title=" Psychology of Longevity Prefers Natural Chelation Support">

However many of the free sites die, there are scores of sites that are fully hosted, all here for your life.

There are many, MANY hidden delights and features through these 1,000,000+ unique webpages, so


Yes, MisterShortcut created all of these PowerLinks for you.     You're worth it.

If this is not art, then what is art?
Expressing yourself is vital to a good life.
Don't let anyone stop you.
Perhaps the single greatest gift of reading a book or so per day for so many thousands of days,
is the full grasp of humanity's greatness, that our only limits are self-imposed.
Please, don't die with your music unsung; it's entirely too wasteful of all and who you are..

It has been hugely rewarding building it all for you.

Remember, what you know means little to any of us.
What you DO with what you know inspires us all. Do more with what you know.

Each of the Shapelinks Way Of Life pages is rendered unique to appeal to unique tastes.
He did this because you need to learn more so you can live more,
living healthier, happier, longer, with simple health tips and shortcuts.

Do more with what you know now.
You’ll notice yourself getting happier.
Happiness is that highest state, so guarantees of happiness are unreasonable. "Guaranteed to be happier" is more easily fulfilled.
There are so many shortcuts available for you to make use of.

When did you last realize, just for one example of many instant resources to power,
that you have the ability to ask a question not merely from a bright librarian or a Harvard professor.
No, you get to ask tens of millions of computers your question,
because that is precisely what you do when you go to a search engine.
You're asking millions and more millions of computers in hundreds of languages, covering every known subject.

Experts.     They're an excellent source, provided they are actually doing it at world-class.
We generally recognize them as masters or millionaires, champions or billionaires.
Everyone else is full of crapulous invective,   technobabble,   or the blatherskite of excuses.

Jump deeper here into the || Masters and Millionaires Secrets to Success

Shapelinks Way Of Life Powerlinks Neighborhood

Powerlinks may tease you,
but PowerLinks cannot defeat you,
from the level of productivity you show.
Powerlinks cannot re-arrange your name,
but PowerLinks CAN re-invigorate your game.
reach for your Powerlinks to think the same.
All that you do, and all that you see,
are where we create YOUR history.
PowerLinks to PowerGems:
Drafting YOUR history,
aiming at your best.

Everything you do has a price to be paid; everything you do adds up.
Everything you see and think and smell and taste and experience in life,
all add to the history of your life that is recorded into the "Book of Life."
Does it not make sense to create chapters that fulfill your mission?
You know better than anyone, we hope, what your missions is.
Use the Shapelinks Way Of Life to develop that mission.
Your clock is running just as fast as everyone else's.
Please stop thinking you are an exception in life.
You are not.
You need water and air.
You need sea salt and good oil,
meaning oil that has not been heated.
These four, along with bulk and good bacteria,
are five of the simplest, most powerful secrets of life.
If you knew better, we are confident you would do better.
Until that moment arrives, give your attention to those who do.
Great masters and millionaires, great champions and billionaires.
Those who do it the best, know it the best, including elderly people.
Those who live the longest at their strongest? They are the horse's mouth.
Most everyone else is getting it, frankly, from the entirely wrong end of the horse.
Let today be YOUR Shapelinks Way Of Life today, wherein you light up the inner you.
You have excelled in rare moments of your life, and every one of them felt quite magnificent.
Use your Shapelinks Way Of Life to have such magnificent moments - every day you live and breathe!

That's what the Shapelinks Way Of Life is all about, at the end of the days and nights you fritter or invest.