These are the some of the 1,089 shortcuts sites
designed, created, uploaded and promoted by the Master of Shortcuts and EyeCandy.
Wave your mouse to discover EyeCandy at all 1000 of the websites known as Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts.
You will also find that your keyboard is uniquely powerful at these sites... (go ahead, type any letter or number)
Look for hidden Chocolate EyeCandy
Many of these sites are hosted with smaller companies, many expected to go
out of business.
As of today, there are more than a
thousand Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites,
each and every one by Mister-Shortcut, Godfather of Online EyeCandy
with treats and visual surprises: EyeCandy,
all here for your life.
500,000 unique pages, and beyond,
pumping up YOUR chances,
all by MisterShortcut
all for you
with love
Just for the fun of it, you can now save a life.All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people.
You can give, at no cost to you.
Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
Clicking this food button and the one that pops open you actually save a real life... charge to you.
Like so many great ideas, PowerLinks were truly an accident.
Listing thousands of links on a single page became cumbersome.
The desire to trim the lists in a manner at least partially neat,
and a naturally mischievous nature; these led to PowerLinks .
Conceptually, PowerLinks are like the blinking yellow lights,
the runway beacons, the lighthouse lanterns multiplied,
all to draw you into the Shapelinks Way Of Life.
Help yourself, you'll end up with much more.
Then, you'll be in a better position to help.
That's it. Receive, benefit, pass on.
It's a working equation for you.
The payoffs are huge.
Click your PowerLinks .