Every day that you wait to get busy is a wasted day.
Every day that you get busy is a sizable investment,
one that the Shapelinks Way Of Life assures you accumulates.
Even when it's only three or four or five minutes per day, add it up.
A thousand days has three or four or five thousand minutes of your focus.
By that time, you're likely to be investing a full fifteen or more minutes per day.
Should you pursue the mastery requiring a hundred or more minutes of most days,
you just might soon understand the personal value to you of your totals.
You see, when you go past ten thousand seconds of your full focus,
the most perfect magic takes place in your life and around you,
Thousands of masters and millionaires have averred it thus.
The Shapelinks Way Of Life is an invitation to you,
seeking to bring out the best in you.
Less talk, please. More action.