Is your mind still flexible enough to play pretend?
Sixty seconds? Pshaw! Fifteen seconds is fine.
Pretend you are being paid thousands,
a thousand dollars for each answer.
There is only one question asked.
Who can help you get there?
$1,000 for each answer.
How many can you list?
Chances are, quite a few.
Here comes the funny part.
When you put it into writing,
you end up earning far more money,
far more than a thousand dollars each,
when you total up your many separate profits.
If you bother writing them, might as well ask them.
The richest humans on earth are rich because they ask more.

The Shapelinks Way Of Life is here for you to help yourself.
You practiced the Shapelinks Way Of Life as a child, then forgot.
From today, your brain moves more and more and more towards resolution..

How To Succeed RingWaves - The Shapelinks Way Of Life
RingWaves - How To Succeed

How to succeed faster with RingWaves, a Shapelinks Way Of Life innovation for your pleasure and edification.
How to succeed with magnificent shortcuts to success.
Waverings are a form of EyeCandy by MisterShortcut.

Electrify your life with the Shapelinks Way Of Life.

All the exciting dreams you had as a young child are waiting for you.
Many millions of poor people have become millionaires in your life.
Every week, millions double their income for the first time.
It is not your turn until you decide that it must be so.
No one is encouraging you to become a millionaire.
That's your choice. Waking up is why we're here.
Waking up to the realities of your true power.
You had it as a child, you'll have it again.
Start with nothing more than thinking;
thinking bigger than you have been.
Let's go for more, together.

Today is indeed the most powerful day of your life.
No matter what you think, there is no better day in which to prove your excellence.
Yesterday is already gone, tomorrow has not yet arrived, which leaves us with just today.
When you have one foot in yesterday, and one foot in tomorrow, you are urinating all over this day.
Please review this paragraph in your mind more than once. All wisdom contains multiple levels of meaning,
and the treatment of today as opposed to yesterday and tomorrow is certainly not an exception to this rule.

MisterShortcut is asking YOU
to feed someone hungrier,
t o d a y.

Kindly remember to feed those who are hungrier than you by giving, at no cost to you.

The Shapelinks Way Of Life and Psychology of Longevity Applaud YOU For Free Clickthroughs
Corporate sponsors purchase 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
When you click this food button and the one you'll see next you actually save a human life... at no charge to you.

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