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About UEB
UEB Application


It is the concept of energetic or vibrational disorder that the Universal Energetic Balancing Program (UEB) addresses. The Universal Energetic Balancing Program is a specially designed computer program running 24/7, coupled with a photographic image which provides the individuals energetic signature.

Our goal is to assist the body in its attempt to bring about energetic harmony from within. When successful, a form of stress free equilibrium is established at all levels, physical, mental and spiritual, which in turn affects the integrity and wellness of the body as a whole. The power and benefits of the Universal Energetic Balancing Program can be realized anywhere on Earth, from anywhere on Earth.

We believe that all forms of dis-ease impart certain layers of stress upon the body. These stresses, in turn, begin to convey subtle aberrant modifications within the energy field of the individual. The science known as Psycho-Neuro-Immunology is beginning to give credence to the prospect that the immune system is negatively affected by prolonged periods of stress, and that the vibration or resonance of our cells may experience a significant change in response to such occurrences. Since the advent of Kirlian photography, with its ability to view our surrounding energy field, visible proof of this phenomenon has been reliably established.

Read the following information and review the UEB FAQ section
for much more information on UEB


In this undertaking we look for Universal guidance, and protection, to know IT’s will. We seek to use the gifts of Spirit in a harmonious way, to help facilitate the process of maintaining One’s wellness of Being, or to help the individual be in harmony with the Universal Forces of Nature. Here we refer to those subtle and vital forces that are life affirming, rejuvenating, regenerating and reharmonizing at all levels of One’s Being, be it spiritual, emotional or physical. This serves to reestablish harmony within One’s self, helping to eliminate or reduce the energetic effects of disease, as well as other stressful aberrations that have taken place. The Universal Energetic Balancing Program is one of many energetic/vibrational modalities that can be used in conjunction with other traditional complementary healing modalities. FFET’s offering is non-imposing on the individuals Being, (Consciousness) yet provides subtle energetic patterns in an inspirational and life affirming way, all of which, one may utilize by choice, in a conscious or unconscious manner.


Dear Friend,

I would like to take a few moments to present an overview regarding the purpose and focus of the Foundation For Energetic Transformation and the “Universal Energetic Balancing Program,” which we fondly describe as UEB.

As my interest in “Body Energetics” took root, nearly thirty years ago, as a practitioner and teacher of Homeopathic principles, many things have transpired. Some experiences were more amazing than others, yet each provided a step that propelled myself, and a handful others, toward a goal and vision that was instilled so profoundly at that time.

While we, at the Foundation, have no intent or interest in the diagnosis or treatment of disease, we do believe that all forms of disease impart certain layers of stress upon the body. These stresses, in turn, begin to convey subtle aberrant modifications within the energy field of the individual. An emerging science known as Psycho-Neuro-Immunology is beginning to give credence to the prospect that the immune system is negatively affected by prolonged periods of stress, and that the vibration or resonance of our cells may produce a significant change in response to such occurrences. Since the advent of Kirlian photography, with its ability to view our surrounding energy field, more visible proof of this phenomenon has been reliably established. Hence it is the concept of energetic or vibrational disorder that the Universal Energetic Balancing Program addresses. Our goal, therefore, is to assist the body in its attempt to bring about “energetic harmony” from within. When successful, a form of stress free equilibrium is established at all levels, which in turn, affects the integrity and wellness of the body as a whole. A specially designed computer program, running twenty-four hours a day, coupled with the photographic image of an individual, provide the basic components of the program.

Some have asked, more pointedly, just what is the goal of the Foundation? Well, first I think it’s best to qualify my own intent, by saying that my perception is just that; for the most part, a revelation built upon personal experiences! Certainly, many have shared my outlook for the future and application of “energetic modalities”, while others have not been quite as optimistic. Yet I strongly believe that the winds of change are about to bring into focus the dawn of a new era of therapeutics; one that builds a bridge between traditional practices and the influence of body energetics.

If my vision of the future becomes fulfilled, it will include a number (perhaps 7) major healing centers, sprinkled throughout the world. Each seamlessly blending the talents of both energetic and conventional approaches to well being. It is my sincere hope that much, if not most, of the funding for such an immense undertaking will come through the finances raised from those who ultimately enroll and participate in the UEB program. To that end we will endeavor to place into service as many as one hundred (or more) Independent UEB Centers around the world. Should you, or someone you know, wish to be considered for a site in your geographical area, please contact us at any time.

In addition, while supporting such a project will require vast financial resources, we also recognize the need to aide some who may not be as monetarily fortunate. Through various foundations and organizations we are seeking to enroll hundreds of individuals, such as the “Children of Chernobyl”, Honduran Aids patients, and others, at no expense, as part of an ongoing pilot program. Our monthly newsletter and web site will provide a forum of expression for those desiring to become more involved. Those wishing to participate with articles, testimonials, etc., may submit such materials for review to the Foundation For Energetic Transformation at the address below.

My final thoughts foster the belief that, no matter what you may have heard, read, or seen; the Universal Energetic Balancing Program is the most unique system of its kind. It is currently, and will continue to remain at the forefront of this emerging technology. The dedication, integrity,
and trustworthiness of those involved will ensure the programs continuing success and accomplishments.

Very truly,
Chris Keser

Foundation For Energetic Transformation, LLC
1133 South Rock Road
Suite 3304
Wichita, KS 67207
Tel: 316 682-4993
Fax: 316 682-2539

Be sure to review the UEB FAQ section for more information on UEB.



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